Chalkboard wall paint has been around for a while now, but dealing with chalk dust gets old fast - the solution, of course, is to upgrade that paint just as schools have updated their own writable teaching surfaces.
Young 20-something entrepreneur John Goscha dropped out of his banking job to design and market this material "for home, work or school" that may transform walls as we know now them. It is called IdeaPaint. It is available for half the price of an actual whiteboard and works just as well or better, leaving no marks behind when you wash down your work (and, without the rest of the infrastructure, it turns out to be greener, too). Here's a video showing you how to install IdealPaint.
Here are some of the interiors where the paint were used. It is an awesome idea especially if you have kids at home who just LOVE to mess with your wall.
Club Surya opened its doors in London in 2008 making it Britain’s first
eco friendly nightclub. The club itself is built of recycled materials,
but the dance floor is the best piece. Using piezoelectricity technology, a way of converting the kinetic energy of the dance into
electricity, it produces enough electricity to power sixty percent of
the entire club.
The brainchild of 39-year-old property developer Andrew Charalambous,
aka Dr. Earth, Surya has its own wind turbine and solar energy system,
with the plan to donate any surplus electricity to local residents.
clubbers need a rest from strutting their stuff on the dance floor they
can relieve themselves at the latest air flush, waterless urinals and
low flush toilets as well as taking the opportunity to freshen up with
the club's automatic taps.
If Princes Harry and William and
their aristocratic friends, who are frequently spotted at hot London
nightclubs such as Boujis or Mahiki, want to attend Surya they will have
to sign a pledge to work towards curbing climate change like all
patrons attending the club in north London.
"Unless we stop
preaching to people and use an inclusive philosophy we're never going to
create the revolution to combat climate change," Charalambous told
Reuters, explaining why he has invested one million pounds in the club.
also about creating avenues of thought. Imagine what you could achieve
if big corporations adopted this kind of initiative."
The technology used in this flooring can be used in
just about anything. There’s even plans to fit it into clothing so
people can generate electricity by moving which will be able to power
mobile electrical devices.
The switchable-mirrors technology was developed by Tom Richardson and Jonathan Slack of Berkeley Lab's Environmental Energy Technologies
Division. By using transition metals rather than the rare earth metals
used in the first metal-hydride switchable mirrors, Richardson and Slack
were able to lower the cost and simplify the manufacturing process.
Energy performance is improved as well, because the new windows can
reflect or transmit both visible and infrared light. Besides windows for
offices and homes, possible applications include automobile sunroofs,
signs and displays, aircraft windows, and spacecraft.
Too lazy to wipe off your boots when coming inside? There’s a gadget for
that. To be fair, most of us are fine with a few extra steps – at least
when the alternative costs over five thousand dollars – but for those
who just have to have it all, this may be the mat for you.
Viz Gizmodo: “The mat was developed by Paionia Furyokuki and its
surface is perforated with valves that are only opened as they’re
stepped on. So as someone walks across the mat, it activates what are
essentially a series of little vacuums that suck the dirt and debris off
the sole of the shoe, and then into an external unit where it can be
later disposed of”
Now, to be fair, these are probably a great idea for high-traffic
industrial spaces that are hard to keep clean, or for someone with a
passion, say, for fixing and cleaning cars in their garage. And who
knows: maybe with time the technology will become cheaper, and these
will replace everyday mud mats in the modern home.
Who says you can’t bottle (and distribute) genius? Developed in Brazil to address under-illuminated slums, this simple design idea has been adopted by MIT students and expanded to other developing areas where many low-income homes lack access to either daylight or electricity.
The physics of the concept are straightforward: the bottles are placed in roofs – half outside, half inside – and their lower portions refract light like 60-Watt light bulb but without the need for a power source. A few drops of bleach serve to keep the water clear, clean and germ-free for years to come.
We take for granted our electric lights, windows and skylights to access the sun’s glow, but for those living in close-together shacks with corrugated-metal roofs, a stray ray is welcome, and something that can spread light to the darkest interior corners can be a dream come true.
In total, one of these do-it-yourself lights takes maybe an hour to install, cutting an appropriate hole, inserting a bleached-water-filled bottle, and resealing around the resulting gap. Even where clean water is rare, a little can generally be spared for a half-decade of lighting.
Imagine buildings that never need to be repaired, streets that heal
their own cracks, and sidewalks that morph back into perfect condition
after buckling and breaking. A smart bacteria might usher in all of
those things and more by helping concrete seal on its own after cracking
Researchers at the University of Newcastle in the United Kingdom have
created a genetically modified microbe that they somewhat humorously
dubbed “BacillaFilla.”
The microbe (derived from the bacterium Bacillus subtilis) has been
tweaked to swim down into concrete cracks and secrete a mixture of
bacterial glue and calcium carbonate. The secretions from the bacteria work to glue together the cracks in the concrete,
making it just as strong as it was originally. Because new concrete
production accounts for about five percent of all man-made CO2
emissions, finding a way to extend the life of existing structures can
significantly reduce the environmental toll of construction.
The self-healing concrete would be particularly useful in places where
earthquakes are common and tend to create structural damage that has
historically proven very difficult to repair. Rather than razing the
buildings as in the past, we could continue to use them as the damage is
quickly and easily repaired. Worried about crazy concrete-secreting bacteria taking over and paving
the planet? Have no fear: the bacteria would have built-in safety
measures that would allow them to work their magic only in structural
cracks and would cause them to self-destruct if they ventured outside of
the intended target.
The bitumen bonds can be repaired once and again, for several times, by making asphalt electrically conductive.
Because asphalt concrete is not an electrically conductive material,
steel wool fibers have been added. These are connected inside the
asphalt concrete and create small circuits. When this new type of
asphalt is heated with induction energy, the bitumen melts and that holds the road together.
With help of this induction method, the lifetime of roads can be
increased more than four times. The only necessary maintenance would be
needed once in two-three years, when a machine closes all the cracks
that could have appeared in that period. This not only reduces the cost
of the roads by more than three times, it would also dramatically reduce
the number of traffic accidents that happen due to bad road conditions
and furthermore it would reduce the delays and traffic jams enormously
because this maintenance is much faster compared to making a new road.
Watch this video first, it would inspire you on various ways you can use the "Magic Glass" (or Smart Glass).
Sandwiched between two outer layers of conventional glazing sits a liquid crystal polymer membrane that can be activated by remote control or turned on (opaque) and off (see through) via conventional light switches.
Such shifts in opacity mean the same surface can serve as a window,
partition, privacy screen or projection surface. Prefabricated with the
synthetic core in place, units can be safely brought to and installed on
residential or commercial building sites with ease.
(Belt) strapped for cash? Forget affordable for a minute and just
imagine the curious combination of feeling aged leather beneath your
feet and the look of vintage belts lining the floors of your home.
Leather flooring is fairly unusual, but these upcycled belt designs are
unique – each one hand-crafted and with individually-selected old belts.
BranchHome gives you Vintage Belt Floor Mat which are handsome, handmade floor mat is made of artfully assembled vintage
leather belts that have been rescued on their way from waist to waste.
Its rich tones, textures, and tread-friendly patina evoke the look of a
wonderfully worn wood floor, albeit with a decidedly warmer under-foot
feel. And the price? Over 600 US dollars for the round mat shown below:
As part of sustainable materials research, today in class we did some real models with paper. Among other solutions, we developed a prototype of fabric made out of paper by knitting newspapers. Here I leave you some pictures of the process:
There are tons of ways of using Recycled Paper as a material. If we think about how to reuse paper when designing pieces of furniture, then we can look at existing examples such as the one designed by Artists for Humanity in Boston. This table is covered with an ecofriendly resin that protects it from the water
And then last, but not least, I wanted to bring Hong Kong Eureka Interior Design Office proposal for the bike shop Spread by Gum.
The space is also used as a socializing area, and therefore, the client asked it to be versatile. So Eureka designers came with a paper roll wall that can be pulled in and out depending on the needs. 5412 recycled paper tubes of 38.5 mm Ø were used to create this display.
Wovin Wall from 3form is a modular wall system that consists of small panels mounted on a lightweight metal grid. The removable panels are clipped in alternating directions to create the distinctive three-dimensional woven pattern
Wovin Wallis
designed for modularity and longevity. The modular design ensures individual
tiles or brackets can be replaced if necessary - components of the system can
be rearranged, expanded upon or relocated to adapt to changing needs.
Wovin Wallis designed for disassembly. The whole
system can be disassembled without a specialist or specialist tools. The
components of Wovin Wallare reusable or recyclable.
This counter may seem rather ordinary if we don't take a closer look at it. We are at the TU Delft Library in Netherlands, designed by the Dutch firm Mecanoo. Beside the impressive book shelves they used to build authentic "book walls", or the transparent devices to arrange the magazines, or even the grass they used to build the walk-able rooftop they also used them to physically build the counter; quite an example of low tech design...
DOK architects and Interior Designer AAt Vos, from Aequo BV worked together on the Delft Media Library.They have a different approach to what an ordinary library is, so they named it "Library Concept Center". And the naming is tightly related to the very neat design solutions they achieved.
The library sells itself as a "better friend than Google", they even offer a service to company managers that want to improve the working environments. They offer a high technology design that you can check on the following video:
These ultra-modern, transparent hand-made countertops
are, in part, characterized by natural alabaster stone, which offers
the ability to alter its shape (organic stones or strips) and color (a
dramatic black and a ghostly glowing white). The other distinctive
quality these countertops boast is their integrated illumination, which
can be used to highlight the counter’s artistic edge, but it also
showcases your glass vessels in a new light. More details are available
by visiting Masto Fiore.
Top inMakassarwoodfinishcolortrends
TopwithAlabasterstonemanufacturingListelwhite, hand made, with theparticular installationLEDlocatedbelow thestone, whichoperates on 24voltsand isIP68(high protection, even on contactwith water)
As I was sipping tea this morning, I found this on the internet: Cookie cups - using cookie as a material for tableware. Sip the coffee then eat the cup! Saves a lot of washing up! Love the idea.
This cookie cup was the creation of a Venezuelan designer named Enrique
Luis Sardi which was made for Lavazza, the famous Italian coffee
company. It’s so ingenius – he made it using a cookie for the outside
and a special patented sugar icing on the inside. Dual purpose – it
creates an insulator for the cookie and add sweetness to the coffee!
What's more, they sell a version that is lined with chocolate, ain't that hot? This is the kinda coffee that should be served in a proper material library. :) Here's a photograph of the designer himself, even he's hot:
You have to see it to believe it, watch this video below. You will fall in love with the future instantly. It walks you through a day in the life of your not-too-distant future self, using glass in ways that would have sounded like pure science-fiction fantasy a few years back! I re-played it a few times and still loving it!
Here is a guided tour of the same video. The technical details are elaborated here, you won't regret spending 11 minutes 25 seconds more of your time to watch it:
I just can't wait for tomorrow to come. Have a great day!
What if you could change the look of your home without having to do a thing? This heat-reactive paint has a number of amazing applications (more pictured below), but one of the most impressive is the color-changing wallpaper shown step-by-step here.
As the temperature rises within a room the flowers on the branches slowly bloom, breathing additional life and color into a given space. As night falls and cooler temperatures prevail, the colorful flower print slowly fades back to a mellow green.
Not limited to just wallpaper, of course, this same strategy by Shi Yuan can be applied to posters or other decorative objects – and can encourage people to touch and otherwise interact with normally stationary and passive designs.
Likewise, as a reminder of each passing day, the cooling of night can erase the current date on your wall-mounted calander and show the passing of time into the next.
There is virtually no limit to what you can decorate with color-changing tiles (fromInventables). Daytime cityscapes turn into urban night scenes as the temperature in a room shifts. Notable applications include showers, floors and others surfaces likely to be exposed to temperature variations over time.
While some of these are simply colored and relatively inexpensive there are all kinds of untapped design potentials yet to be explored. Perhaps they would make a good interior design match for an exterior application of some light transmitting concrete.
It looks like wood, feels like wood, is even made of wood – but it shifts shape and solidifies like plastic, bringing together the most powerful material assets of two of the most used materials on the planet.
Lingin (an often-discarded element of regular wood) is combined with natural resins, flax and fibers that can be injected into molds and form extremely complex, precision-shaped objects normally made of conventional, non-biodegradable petroleum-based plastics. The result has been dubbed Arboform by its German inventors, and may well revolutionize the worlds of material science and mass production.
Just like wood, it breaks down quickly and organically into eco-safe by-products like water and carbon dioxide. It is also made from a leftover part of trees that is unused during the paper-making process – over 100 million pounds of its main ingredient are created as a simple side-effect of the existing pulp industry. What can be made of Arboform? Almost anything you can imagine from simple toys to complex gadgets, disposable cups to long-lasting automobile parts, custom-cast furniture to heavy-duty helmets – think of anything made of plastic or wood, and you will start to get the picture. In short: we are talking about the precision, flexibility and durability of plastic … with the 100% recyclable, renewable, tactile and aesthetic advantages of wood, in a single new material. Eat your heart out, see-through concrete and transparent aluminum!